jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2009

Photo Story: The teacher's death

Who do you think is the murder?
Maybe was Genís, maybe Leo, or maybe the histerical girl...
Write a comment with your opinion.

martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009

Our Photo Album

Here are all the kinds of shots we could do.

Our Photo Album

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009

Describing photographs

What we have here is a photograph in colour. It was taken from Joana’s Facebook, it dates from Saturday 31st November 2009. This photo was taken by Joana.

It is a long shot. The scene takes place on a train to Malgrat de Mar. It takes place during an autumn day. The general atomsphere is funny and unusual .

In the middle of the photo, there is a monkey man climbing in the bar of the train. On the left there are some friends looking what the monkey man is doing, and on the right there is is the door that you use to leave or enter the train.

There are many people. It is a group of teenagers, but the main character is a boy. The main character is wearing a T-shirt, a hat and jeans. He is climbing on the bar of the train and taking the tongue out.

Xavi's Photo

What we have here is a photograph incolour. It was taken from my pen drive. It dates from Saturday 31st November 2009. The photo was taken by me. It is a medium shot and the scene takes place at Joel’s camping during an autumn day.

The general atmosphere in the phtograph is relaxed and nice.

In the middle we can see a table and a lot of food and drinks. Around the table we can see boys and girls and in the background we can see a plants and a barbecue.

There are three boys and five girls,. All of them are teenengers except for one.They are wearing informal clothes and they are eating.

miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009


Hello, these days we were making a project about one topic we like, and we chose Extremoduro, we made a power point presentation to explain how we made it and one video presenting the band.

And here one of our best productions:

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2009


CNN (Cable News Network) it’s a American TV Channel. CNN founded in 1980 by the american businessman Ted Turner. In the biggining CNN it’s only about American and internacional news, but now has got more tipes off TV programmes. One example of them are these programmes:

Larry King Live: It’s A nightly talk program.

Your $$$$$: The show breaks down the business news of the week and shows viewers how it impacts their bottom line. It is the only program on the network devoted to in depth financial coverage. It’s a game show.

CNN has got lot of variables and secondary channels specializing about differents topics:

CNN Airport Network: Satellite network broadcasting to U.S. airports.

CNN en Español: Channel broadcasting to Latin America, launched on 17 March 1997. It is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.

CNN Headline News: A string that is a spin-off of the original CNN. Born in 1983 as cnn2, but in 1984 changed its name to Headline News. Until 2001 used a scheme similar to that of TVE Canal 24 Horas, broadcasts news every 30 minutes, but now broadcast informative blocks of 4 hours plus talk shows.

CNN International: CNN International Emissions released in 1985 that combines CNN U.S. programs (Larry King Live, Late Edition) and other own programmes (Inside the Middle East, World Report)

CNN+: Channel broadcasting to Spain, launched in 1999.

CNN-IBN: Chain released on 11 October 1999, broadcast information to India.

CNNj: Channel released on 24 March 2003 broadcast to Japan through SKY PerfecTV!

CNN Chile: Realased on 4th December, 2008 started broadcasting news to Chile.

CNN was the first TV Channel broadcast news 24 hours at day.

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

Our Favourite TV Programme

Our Favourite TV Programmes are The Ultimate Survival and "I know what you did...", this are our favourite programmes. We like Ultimate Survival because it is funny how the man speaks, he talks like if everybody had to be lost in the forest and he starts doing a lot of strange things like drinking his own pee and sleeping inside the camel skin. We also like I know what you did because its funny, the presenter acts as a silly presenter saying non-sense coments and the other presenters tease her. Then comes Miky Nadal and says his tipical phrase: Ai Omar que rica!

The Ultimate Survival

"Se lo que hicisteis"